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Brand new to Longacres ¦ Miniature World from Vivid Arts

Vivid Arts Miniature World Display So many of us are renting houses or flats these days that not all of us have the luxury of a large garden, nor the time, to be able to make it lavish and beautifully planted. Similarly, many people are downsizing their gardens, or may only have some planters and pots on a garden patio. As a result of this, many people have begun a hobby of creating miniature gardens. The craze of creating miniature 'fairy-sized' gardens kicked off in the USA and has finally reached our shores, and we at Longacres are thrilled to be a part of it. Vivid Arts Miniature World DisplayBrand new to Longacres Garden Centre is the Vivid Arts Miniature World range, a wide selection of hand-painted and highly detailed fairy doors, cobbled paths, wildlife, lamp posts, garden gnomes, gypsy caravans, bridges, terracotta pots and much, much more. Along with our extensive range of plants, pots and planters we have everything you need to create your very own miniature world. You can view and order the Vivid Arts Miniature World range on our website. Alternatively you could pop in to our Bagshot store and see the beautiful display we have in our houseplants area if you require some inspiration, where our knowledgeable team will be able to offer some great advice on which plants would really complement your miniature garden. Prices of the ornaments range from just £2.49 to £21.99. Here are some of our top tips for creating a miniature garden:
  • Vivid Arts Miniature World DisplayYou can create them in a window box, an overgrown area, your garden's border - you can even revive an old broken pot too! So long as they are in an area where they won't be harmed by too much sunlight or water (it all depends on which plants you choose - feel free to ask a member of our plants team for advice if you are unsure!)
  • Miniature gardens work both indoors or outdoors - just make sure you don't over water an indoor one!
  • Be prepared to frequently maintain your miniature garden. They are living and breathing after all - just a few snips here and there will stop the garden looking overgrown.
  • Cobbled paths and wooden fences really add to the realism of the garden.
  • Dwarf and slow-growing plants work really well in miniature gardens!