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"Refresh, Renew" your home for 2015

The high of Christmas and New Year has come to an end, and all that remains are a few bounty chocolates and some leftover ham in the fridge, not forgetting those tree needles that seem to keep re-emerging despite the 5 times you've hoovered the lounge. And let's be honest, we're all feeling a little bit sorry for ourselves. Why not try to beat those January blues by cleaning up your home and giving it a fresher and newer appearance to start 2015; we like to call it:

"Refresh, Renew"

RefreshRenewA4_2014_450 We at Longacres are stocking a large supply of stunning oak furniture, lanterns, lighting, mirrors, topiary, clocks, wall art, candles, houseplants and more to give you the products and inspiration you need to transform your home into a place of peace and relaxation - vital during the colder months that are keeping you cooped up indoors. On our shop floor you will find a range of furniture including dining tables and chairs, coffee tables, bookcases, corner cabinets, nest of tables, wine bars, bedside tables, TV units, console tables and more in warm oak and cornish cream colours at competitive prices. Let us tempt you over to take a look at our fantastic display at our Bagshot store, or take a look at our online range! "Refresh, Renew" display at Longacres Garden Centre, Bagshot "Refresh, Renew" display at Longacres Garden Centre, Bagshot

Introduce houseplants into your home

Placing a potted plant in the corner of the room can have a drastic effect, and not just to the appearance of the room! Research has shown that keeping plants inside your home brings us a lot of both physical and mental health benefits; so long as you keep them watered and healthy. Plants such as Orchids, Chrysanthemums, Gerberas, Azaleas, Ivy, Spider Plants, and Ficus are just a few that have been found to have the best benefits; particularly for cleaning the air in your home. Below are just a handful of reasons as to why you should consider buying some for your home (or office):
  1. Still suffering with a lingering cold that you picked up from that Christmas office party?Indoor plants can speed up your recovery and can reduce cold-related illnesses by over 30%!
  2. Plants make us happy; many of us find them calming and therapeutic, but scientific research has shown that they can also reduce your blood pressure - thus making you less stressed!
  3. Getting back into the swing of things at work at the start of the New Year can be an uphill struggle at first, but having a plant in the room can increase productivity, improve concentration and boost the speed of work (a great way to impress your boss!)
  4. They fight pollution in our homes - a study by NASA showed that some houseplants can remove up to 87% of air toxins in just 24 hours, and of course they're great for releasing oxygen!
Houseplants range at Longacres Tips for keeping healthy houseplants
  • Keep your plants in a draught-free place that has a substantial amount of light. An even temperature is also beneficial.
  • To decide whether your plant needs more water, simply dip your thumb into the soil. If no soil clings to your finger or if it feels very dry, then your plant wants to be watered (tap water is perfectly fine). Plants generally need more water during Summer and Spring when they are actively growing.
  • During the colder months you are more likely to be using your central heating, but this can dry out the air quickly. Make sure to keep moisture in the air around your plant with a water spray or a humidifier.
  • If dust is building up on your plant it can stunt its growth. Dabbing cotton wool into water or milk and wiping the plant gently is the best way to clear it off.
  • Remove any dying flowers or yellowing leaves very gently by pinching them between your thumb and forefinger and tugging gently.