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Grow Your Own Herbs - National Children's Gardening Week

What’s your favourite herb? From coriander to basil, mint to thyme – growing your own is much cheaper than buying from the supermarket (and lots more fun) plus, it is great to experiment with different flavours! Here is our handy guide to growing herbs:

  1. Choose your favourite herbs at the garden centre (usually found in 9cm pots or larger 1 litre pots for instant effect)
  2. Find a sunny spot in the garden or on the patio or even a window box
  3. Use multi-purpose compost in pots or plant in the ground, making sure you leave plenty of space for plants to grow
  4. Water well, then keep watered regularly every few days to help the plants grow best
  5. Add plant food (a tomato fertiliser works great) to the watering can once a week to feed your plants
  6. Pinch out the shoot tips when you need herbs for your food!
  7. Wash them well before eating and enjoy!​

Top Tip! This is a great chance to let your little ones get creative; let them make their own plant labels by colouring in and writing the name of the herbs on a wooden ice lolly stick.