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Cupella Saunas at Longacres Garden Centre Bagshot

With over 20 years of experience in our field of enterprise and many decades of being around health orientated projects, Cupella saunas in particular is something close to our hearts as health is amongst the first steps people can take to a better life. This business was structured for the example we set so that the abundance of knowledge of wealth that is health is understood by our children or those close to us understand this thoroughly. Our saunas can be seen in many residential homes as it is an undeniably luxury perk to have, also in many glamping vacation getaway hubs who too care for their clients and provide our partnership to benefit us on a larger scale.

There are two sides to all this, one being the health benefits (help lose excess and unwanted fat, and increase metabolism at any age). The other being the simple enjoyment of being human and having the blessed opportunity to make the use of sauna a regular activity. The latter being my special interest, including golf and following a healthy diet so that the two compliment each other.

Our family roots go deep and are strongly in line with our key values: We pride in taking care of our own kind, being human and uplifting those around us to get the best out of them, to make them happy to our best ability.

Our family has had patients who have experienced the natural healing benefits of all kind including lowered blood pressure and reduce unwanted cholesterol levels in those individuals with hypertension, the benefits are undeniably attractive to everyone and anyone as the healing potential of this medicine is both physical and mental, some as we do go as far as saying its spiritual and I know that works for us, but that is for you to decide.

We as a family have had the opportunity to recommend Sauna use benefits to patients with chronic congestive heart failure and other lung related diagnosis.

We believe that health has no price boundaries.

Our reputation speaks for itself, as we have worked long and hard to ensure we have an ongoing range of products available to our clients.

Most importantly, those of us who are healthy and have not yet experienced the dark side of health related issues can experience pain from time to time which sauna can help alleviate such pains and improve joint mobility which we have witnessed firsthand with the many athletes and sports personalities that we work with.

If we didnt care about the health of our nation, we would recommend to make use of saunas at gyms, or public bath houses, but as we do care, these institutions can be a unhygienic place to be in and as we all have the want for a better life and as we respect and have an unconditional love for ourselves, we want the option which is better and safer for us, the option and way of life that we have the chance to create.

Nothing beats making use of a sauna at the privacy of your own home and convenience available at the doorstep to your home.

We do not intend or want to frighten anyone regarding the risk of the dangers of using a public saunas, but because we care we have to notify the nation that such places are open for spreading covid/flu or any other unwanted health conditions which may involve skin, hair or feet. Personally, our family is against taking risks when it comes to health and we just like to be as a family unit that have friends over, not someone who you don't know sharing the same sauna with you.

Our vision is that we have created, create and continue to create a comfortable environment for our British citizens, with or without the pandemic.

Most importantly: We do not recommend any alcohol consumption during sauna bathing as it increases the risk of hypotension, arrhythmia, and should be avoided.


Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm
Saturday9am – 5pm
Sunday10am – 4.30pm

Call Us On:
0771 775 3886
0127 651 1068